Streamlining Goldstar’s
sign up and log In

  • Members find it fast to create an account and geet into Goldstar to purchase tickets
  • Members find it fast to log in which makes them want to use the App more
  • The solutions fit well on each platform

Guiding Principles
  • Do not make it 2 steps when it can be one
  • Use very clear language 
  • Don't overwhelm the user with options
ChallengesHad to still support "Magiclink" log in and account creation flow

Had to support facebook log in and account creation flow

Marketing wanted different wording than what the design team recommended

App Download Userflow

User Story 1: When Amy first lands on she is met with the create account screen. Amy does not read the text and just sees the email and password fields. Amy enters in her email and password for Goldstar. The page returns an error saying "There already is an account with this email". Amy does not read the error text and believes that she had typed her password in incorrectly. After a few more attempts Amy now believes that she must have the email address wrong. She then puts in a different email and the password and it works! Amy does not realize that she just created a second goldstar account. User Story 2: Alicia gets an email from goldstar about upcoming events. She sees an event she is interested in. She clicks through to where she is prompted to login. She does not think she has an account and clicks to create an account. Alicia does not realize the emails she gets is from having an account and thinks she has just subscribed to goldstar emails. When she tries to make an account she gets an error saying "There already is an account with this email." Alicia is now concerned that someone has made an account with her email and calls goldstar customer support.
Soluton: Ask for only the email. Then take the user to their next step based on if there is an account or not. If there is an account then ask them to enter their password. IF there is not an account, then ask them to create an account by creating a password. Also use clear language on if the user is logging in or creating an account.

New Designs

Account Onboarding